Hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy)

1. What is sonohysterography?

Sonohysterography is a minimally invasive imaging investigation that combines the use of 3D/4D ultrasound with the instillation of sterile saline solution or contrast into the uterine cavity, aiming to evaluate the uterine cavity and the patency of the uterine tubes. The informative value of the method is 80-91%.

2. What types are there?

There are 2 types of sonohysterographies:
Saline sonohysterography involves the intrauterine infusion of saline solution to highlight pathological processes in the uterine cavity by providing contrast.
Contrast sonohysterography (HyCoSy) and foam sonohysterography (HyFoSy) for diagnosing intrauterine pathology and assessing the patency of the fallopian tubes.

3. When is sonohysterography indicated?

Sonohysterography is indicated in:
✓ Irregularities in the menstrual cycle (painful periods, heavy or irregular menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding, etc.)
✓ Infertility
✓ Before the IVF procedure
✓ Recurrent miscarriages

This method allows for the visualization of uterine issues such as:
✓ Endometrial polyps
✓ Submucosal leiomyomas
✓ Endometrial hyperplasia
✓ Uterine congenital defects
✓ Isthmo-cervical insufficiency
✓ Endometrial adhesions/ synechiae

Additionally, contrast sonohysterography (HyCoSy and HyFoSy) can assess the permeability of the uterine tubes, determine the level of their obstruction, and highlight the presence of hydrosalpinx

4. How is it performed?

The patient is placed in a gynecological position, a vaginal speculum is applied, and the cervix and vagina are wiped with an antiseptic solution. Subsequently, a catheter is passed through the cervix into the uterine cavity through which the saline solution will be introduced. After positioning the catheter, the speculum is removed, and the endovaginal ultrasound examination begins concurrently with the instillation of the saline solution.

5. Is the procedure painful?

It's not a painful procedure, but the patient may experience abdominal discomfort/cramps when the saline solution is introduced into the uterus.

6. What can be expected after sonohysterography?

After this procedure, the patient may experience mild abdominal cramps, light genital bleeding, and watery discharge due to the elimination of the solution introduced into the uterus.

7. What are the side effects?

There may be transient pain, post-procedure bleeding, and vasovagal reactions, which manifest as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, a sensation of warmth, and cold sweats. All these manifestations are temporary.

8. What are the contraindications?

The patient must not be pregnant, which is why sonohysterography is performed in the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle, more precisely, from day 6 to day 11 of the menstrual cycle.​

Before the procedure, the patient should not have pelvic inflammatory disease. This means that cervical culture tests must be negative or no older than 3 months.​

9. Which tests need to be performed before sonohysterography?

It is recommended:
• Pap smear test in the last 12 months
• Vaginal secretion culture, Mycoplasma, and Chlamydia swabs taken from the cervix in the last 3 months

The advantages of sonohysterography:

Efficient: according to studies, about 37% of women became pregnant naturally within 1 year after undergoing the procedure.

Informative: it allows for obtaining detailed images of the anatomical structure.

Real-time mode: the entire procedure is dynamically visualized on the ultrasound, and the patient can participate in the entire process (thus understanding better what is happening).

Minimal pain: the catheter used in the procedure causes minimal pain or none at all (depending on the patient's sensitivity). However, if pain does occur, the doctor can stop at any time (the procedure is not performed forcefully and quickly). If necessary, painkillers are administered to alleviate the patient's discomfort.

No allergy: the saline solution used does not cause allergies, unlike hysterosalpingography where an iodinated solution is used.

10. What is the price of the procedure?

At Alternativa Clinic, the most informative diagnostic method for intrauterine pathology and fallopian tube permeability is implemented - Sonohysterography with foam (HyFoSy), which ensures excellent visualization of the structures of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.

Procedure price - 3,000 MDL

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Gynecologist, IVF Specialist
40+ years of experience


• Infertility in couples
• Recurrent miscarriages and halted pregnancies
• Uterine factor: thin endometrium, endometritis, adhesions, polyps, uterine fibroids, etc.
• Ovarian factor: low ovarian reserve, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian cysts
• Hereditary and acquired thrombophilia
• Gynecological infections: chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma
• Menstrual disorders: painful, heavy, irregular, amenorrhea
• Specialization in endocrinology


Fertilizare In Vitro

 Pregătirea cuplului către fertilizarea in vitro
 Folosirea adjuvantelor pentru sporirea succesului FIV: anticoagulante, imunoterapie, terapie hormonală pre-FIV, ”scratching” endometrial, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), irigații intrauterine, vitamine, suplimente nutritive
 Alegerea protocolului de stimulare ovariană, Mini-FIV, FIV în ciclul natural
 Monitorizare ecografică și hormonală a stimulării ovariene
Eșecuri repetate ale procedurii FIV
FIV la femeile după 40 ani
Referire pentru procedura FIV către clinicile partenere din RM, Ucraina, România, Europa
Conduita sarcinii după FIV

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Consultation at the clinic

Doctor's schedule

Monday 9:30 – 17:00
Tuesday 9:30 – 17:00
Wednesday 9:30 – 17:00
Thursday -
Friday 9:30 – 17:00
Saturday 10:00 – 15:00
Sunday -

Gynecologist, IVF Specialist
10+ years of experience

• Treatment of genital tract infections (Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas, Candida, Gardnerella, etc.). This includes performing treatment procedures: uterine instillations, Vaginal PRP
• Couple's infertility: folliculometry, ovarian stimulation, intrauterine insemination, foam sonohysterography, hysteroscopy
• Reproductive rejuvenation: Vaginal PRP, Endometrial PRP
• Specialization in endocrinology

Consultation at the clinic

Doctor's schedule

Monday 8:30 – 17:00
Tuesday 8:30 – 17:00
Wednesday 8:30 – 17:00
Thursday 8:30 – 17:00
Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Saturday 10:00 – 15:00
Sunday -

Gynecologist, IVF Specialist
10 years of experience

• Diagnosis and treatment of female infertility
• Treatment of endocrine-dependent menstrual cycle disorders (endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids)
• Pregnancy planning
• Hormone replacement therapy in menopause and post-menopause.

Consultation at the clinic

Doctor's schedule

Monday 9:00 – 15:00
Tuesday 9:00 – 15:00
Wednesday 9:00 – 15:00
Thursday 9:00 – 15:00
Friday 9:00 – 15:00
Saturday 10:30 – 15:00
Sunday -