IVF with Donor Sperm, Eggs, Embryos

In accordance with the legal provisions of the Republic of Moldova (Law No. 339 of December 8, 2022 https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=134800&lang=ro) the use of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with donated gametes (sperm, eggs) and embryos is allowed for both Moldovan citizens and foreigners. Single women have the right to use assisted reproductive technologies (intrauterine insemination or IVF) using donated sperm.

Donation of gametes can be anonymous or non-anonymous.

Anonymous sperm donors can be men of reproductive age (not less than 18 years old and not more than 45 years old) who, following medical examinations, biological and genetic tests, psychological evaluation, and andrological examination, have been confirmed to be physically and mentally healthy and to have normal sperm parameters.

Anonymous egg donors can be women of reproductive age (not less than 18 years old and not more than 36 years old) who, following medical examinations, biological and genetic tests, psychological evaluation, and gynecological examination, have been confirmed to be physically and mentally healthy and to have normal ovarian reserve parameters.

Donors of embryos or oocytes for another assisted reproductive couple can also be patients in the In Vitro Fertilization program who, through free choice and informed consent, agree to donate surplus embryos or surplus oocytes (oocyte sharing) or to donate gametes or embryos remaining after their own reproductive treatment is completed following the decision to conclude their own reproduction project/parental project.

Non-anonymous gamete donors can be relatives of patients up to the second degree (for women - female relatives, for men - male relatives), as well as individuals closely connected to them by a special bond (friends, acquaintances).

Indications for the use of donated eggs include:
• Absence of ovaries from birth or after surgical intervention;
• Injuries to the ovaries during radiation therapy and chemotherapy treatment;
• Very low ovarian reserve, premature ovarian insufficiency syndrome;
• Natural or artificial menopause;
• Vârsta reproductivă târzie după vârsta de 43 de ani;
• Mai multe încercări nereușite ale procedurii FIV;
• Boli genetice la o femeie (în special cele legate de cromozomul X).

Indications for the use of donated sperm include:
• Absence of the husband/partner;
• Severe impairment of spermatogenesis in the husband (azoospermia, aspermia);
• Hereditary diseases in men.

Available packages for infertility treatment options using donated eggs, sperm, and embryos will soon be published.